The education team at a major natural history museum wanted to build a new space where visitors could experience science in a more personal way. They asked Slover Linett to develop a front-end evaluation study that would examine how hands-on interactions with collections objects and direct connections with scientists could be activated toward that end—and to shed light on what else could make science more relevant to visitors. We conducted dozens of interviews with visitors (and some non-visitors), using a fun, image-based activity to get them talking about their science engagement ideals and how traditional museum practice can sometimes get in the way. We also looked at a handful of sites and spaces using creative engagement techniques, some in the museum field and some far beyond it. The findings illuminated just how important qualities like immersiveness, customization, and dynamism are in fostering relevance, as well the value that visitors place on charisma and story-telling skills in the scientists, or science experts, they connect with. And the design and operation of the space—now open—has taken those values to heart.

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