News & Notes
Welcome to our new website – and let us know what you think
After more than a year of hard work, I’m so excited to finally be able to share with you our all-new, baked-from-scratch website. Peter and I, and really the whole team here at Slover Linett, are very grateful for the talented eye and brain of designer Dickon Kent, who worked way beyond the original vision and timeline for the project. He and his team at Dsire are as dedicated as they are knowledgeable – which is to say, very!
But we’re not quite done. Over the next few weeks we’ll be testing, refining, adding things, and generally improving the experience for users like you.
So please let us know what you think. What resonates? What’s missing? What would make the site more useful or easier to navigate? Would you recommend it to a colleague in the cultural sector? Why or why not? (Can you tell we’re researchers?)
And by all means, please sign up for our monthly e-news and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn so we can stay in touch.
Again, welcome, and we hope you enjoy Slover Linett’s new digital digs!