News & Notes
New folk music research + cool conference alerts: Slover Linett December news
We’re delighted to announce the publication of new findings about an art-form we’ve loved but never had the opportunity to explore before: folk music.
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Too often, the informal, vernacular arts fly below the radar of researchers, funders, and policymakers. But they’re as vital to culture and community as any classical tradition or formal arts institution.
So we were excited to work with the talented team at Folk Alliance International on what may be the first systematic study of the folk field — the musicians, festival organizers, industry representatives, media professionals, and other stakeholders who make this music happen in the U.S., Canada, and beyond.
It turned out to be a wonderful collaboration with fascinating findings, a portrait of an arts community passionate about connecting with audiences, self-critical about its own diversity, and idealistic about its values and future.
We invite you to download the executive summary here, and let us know what you think.
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We’re also delighted to be on the roster at a wide range of conferences this winter and spring. At AAAS in Seattle, we’ll be discussing our recent research on millennials and science for the National Academy of Sciences’ LabX. At AAM in San Francisco we’ll be on several panels, including one about how research can deepen empathy with audiences and communities, with our friends at the Museum of Fine Arts Houston and Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art — and a special session about immersive experiences with leaders from two game-changing art collectives, Meow Wolf and teamLab. Details coming soon.
And stay tuned for several new-project announcements after the holidays, including our greenest client ever (literally).
Check out our news & notes for more updates. Safe holidays to all, and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.