By: Matthew Jenetopulos

September 12, 2022

In this series of two-page briefings, we share deeper analyses of the needs and perspectives of Massachusetts residents from the 2021 wave of Culture + Community in a Time of Transformation: A Special Edition of Culture Track. Commissioned by the Boston-based Barr Foundation to inform the work of Massachusetts-based arts organizations and community foundations, these PDFs summarize key findings by race/ethnicity, income, and disability status and offer potential actions for more equitable, community-based practice across the state’s arts and culture sector.

These analyses of Massachusetts’s diverse communities are in addition to region-specific reports and statewide and Boston-area reports, all developed by Slover Linett in partnership with Barr’s Arts & Creativity team and in dialogue with the foundation’s many partners around Massachusetts.

Culture + Community in a Time of Transformation has been an equity-focused, pandemic-era national research collaboration between Slover Linett, LaPlaca Cohen (producers of Culture Track® since 2001), and Yancey Consulting. In addition to the Barr Foundation, the 2021 research was supported by the Wallace Foundation, Terra Foundation for American Art, William Penn Foundation, and Forsta Inc. (formerly FocusVision), with special reports commissioned by the Institute for Museum & Library Services and E.A. Michelson Philanthropy (formerly the Aroha Foundation). The national initiative produced a range of strategic summaries from Culture Track, policy-level reports from Slover Linett, and webinar presentations, available here.

Click on the images below to view and download the six Massachusetts briefings. And please email with any questions, comments, or suggestions.

Hispanic and Latinx population brief
Massachusetts summaries

Asian American and Pacific Islander population brief
Massachusetts summaries

Black and African American population brief
Massachusetts summaries

Multiracial population brief
Massachusetts summaries

Income analysis brief
Massachusetts summaries

Disability population brief
Massachusetts summaries

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