By: Ashley Ann Wolfe

June 15, 2021

Participants from the 500+ cultural organizations that took part in the Wave 2 survey of the national research study, Culture + Community, have been patiently awaiting their data, and the tables are in! In June 2021, Slover Linett hosted a webinar, led by researcher Matthew Jenetopulos and project director and research operations lead Madeline Smith, walking representatives from the organizations who participated in the survey through the resulting data tables. This webinar is a tool to help those organizations who participated in the survey make sense of the data tables from their own respondents’ answers.

Meanwhile, we are investigating the national data as a whole, and look forward to sharing those findings in the coming months.

Please click here or view the webinar in full below, and stay tuned for upcoming findings! We invite your thoughts and look forward to hearing from you – email us anytime.

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