By: Peter Linett

March 09, 2019

I have more browser tabs open than is strictly healthy. But sometimes they tell the story of cultural evolution more vividly and concisely than any abstract argument. At the least, they’re a kind of prose poem of what grabs my attention as a researcher of audiences and their expectations.

Some of these articles describe change, some call for it. Some object to it—which is always part of the story. (Some are no longer recent, and that tells you even more about my browser habits.)

Here goes, in impressionistic rather than chronological order:

And two from the other side of our coin: science engagement. (Substitute “arts” for science if you’re so inclined; the points hit home in both domains.)

I don’t endorse everything in these articles, obviously. But they’re a snapshot of a field waking up in some historic ways. And now I get to close some of those tabs…

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