Some of our projects don’t fit neatly into the familiar cultural buckets (the arts, museums, media, etc.). And in some, culture is a means rather than an end in itself; the real point is to strengthen the community. That’s a goal we care deeply about, whether “community” means an actual geographic place or a common background, race, affinity, or cause. It’s all about connection, vitality, voice—and working together to meet shared challenges.

Our research helps practitioners, funders, and other stakeholders leverage cultural innovation for community vitality. From family and community foundations to public radio stations, parks, and libraries, we tap the creativity and vision of the community itself and generate insights about what’s needed, what’s working, and who’s participating. It’s about more than asking questions; it’s about using the tools of social research to foster dialogue, inquiry, and progress.

If your community could benefit from that approach, we hope you’ll get in touch.

I consider us to be connectors: we connect our clients to their audiences—and potential audiences. Everyone wins when there’s open dialogue, with empathy and genuine understanding. That’s so motivating to me…”

Chloe Chittick Patton

Former Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, Slover Linett Audience Research

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